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Frequently Asked Questions

Agreement on Trade in Services

  • 1.What are the application procedures for testing organisations in Hong Kong to participate in testing of products requiring the China Compulsory Certification (“CCC”)?

    According to the Implementation Guide promulgated in May 2020 on the Articles relating to testing and certification in the Agreement on Trade in Services revised in November 2019, any testing organisations engaging in testing business for products under the CCC system have to be accredited by Hong Kong Accreditation Service (“HKAS”) under its Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (“HOKLAS”) as a proof of competence in performing CCC product testing. In addition, the testing organisations concerned have to enter into a cooperation agreement with designated Mainland certification bodies. Requirements on the testing organisations concerned and procedures of establishing cooperation with designated Mainland organisations could be viewed at HKAS’s website.

  • 2.Regarding the part on CCC factory inspector in the Implementation Guide promulgated in February 2025, if that factory inspector, who is from a Hong Kong certification body, later works for another certification body, does he/she need to re-submit an application to China Certification and Accreditation Association (“CCAA”) and/or retake related training and examinations in accordance with the procedures set out in the Implementation Guide?

    Registered CCC factory inspector on the “CCAA認證人員註冊與管理系統” (CCAA Personnel Registration and Management System) is only required to submit an application using the “轉換機構申請” (apply for changing the institution) function in the system when they work for another certification body. The factory inspector is neither required to submit a written application to CCAA nor to retake relevant training courses and examinations. The CCAA Personnel Registration and Management System could be accessed at its website (available in Simplified Chinese only).

Organisations set up by Hong Kong enterprises in the Mainland becoming designated bodies under the China Compulsory Certification (“CCC”) system

  • 1.Can the testing organisations set up by Hong Kong enterprises in the Mainland become designated laboratories under the CCC system?

    According to the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (“CNCA”) Public Notice (“PN”) No. 34 of 2015, PN No. 1 and PN No. 28 of 2017, testing laboratories meeting the conditions and requirements set out in the above PNs (including those set up by Hong Kong enterprises in the Mainland) may submit applications to CNCA any time for undertaking relevant testings for CCC.

    As for other product categories that are not covered in the above PNs, testing laboratories that are interested in undertaking relevant testing for CCC may submit written requests to CNCA before 1 April of each year. After evaluation, CNCA will announce its designated plans, and interested bodies may submit applications in accordance with the requirements prescribed in such announcements.

    Details of the above PNs could be accessed at the links below (available in Simplified Chinese only) –

    Enquiries should be addressed to CNCA –

    Electrical and Electronic Products
    Contact person: Mr. QIU Lei
    Phone number: +86-10-82262779
    Email address:

    Non- Electrical and Electronic Products
    Contact person: Mr. GUAN Jun-wen
    Phone number: +86-10-82262674
    Email address:

  • 2.What is the implementation method for Article 23(8) of the Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation “Consider applications of eligible certification bodies set up by Hong Kong enterprises in the Mainland to become designated certification bodies under the CCC system”?

    Like other certification bodies legally established in the Mainland (including those that are state-owned, private-owned, Hong Kong/Macao-invested, and foreign invested), eligible certification bodies set up by Hong Kong enterprises in the Mainland may submit application direct to CNCA under the existing application regime in the Mainland. There is no separate implementation guide for Article 23(8).

    The relevant application regime, requirements and procedures are set out on the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation – 《從事強制性認證以及相關活動的認證機構、檢查機構及實驗室指定》 (available in Simplified Chinese only). Applicants may also refer to CNCA's CCC Column for more information (available in Simplified Chinese only).

  • 3.When can eligible certification bodies set up by Hong Kong enterprises in the Mainland submit applications to CNCA?

    According to Article 12 of the 《強制性產品認證機構、檢查機構和實驗室管理辦法》 promulgated by the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, CNCA may make designated plans in accordance with the detailed CCC requirements and implementation needs. Such designated plans would be announced on CNCA's website and WeChat official account (WeChat ID: cnca_2015).

    Generally speaking, certification bodies may, before 1 April of each year, express their intention to CNCA on the areas they are interested in becoming designated certification bodies under the CCC system. After evaluation, CNCA will announce its designated plans, and interested bodies may submit applications in accordance with the requirements prescribed in such announcements.

    Eligible certification bodies set up by Hong Kong enterprises in the Mainland may submit applications to CNCA within the timeframe prescribed in such designated plans.

    Enquiries should be addressed to CNCA –

    Electrical and Electronic Products
    Contact person: Mr. QIU Lei
    Phone number: +86-10-82262779
    Email address:

    Non- Electrical and Electronic Products
    Contact person: Mr. GUAN Jun-wen
    Phone number: +86-10-82262674
    Email address:
