Tested in Hong Kong, Certified in Hong Kong
香港檢測 香港認證

Quantification, Validation and Verification

What is Greenhouse Gas (GHG)?

GHG refers to the gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorb and emit infra-red radiation. To tackle climate change, many places around the world are implementing various initiatives to limit GHG concentrations in the atmosphere. These initiatives rely on the quantification, monitoring, reporting, validation and verification of GHG emissions and/or removals.


International Standards/Technical Specification on GHG Quantification

Organisational Level: ISO 14064-1
機構層面 : ISO 14064-1

ISO 14064-1 details the principles and requirements for designing, developing, managing and reporting an organisation-level GHG inventory. A GHG inventory refers to an organisation's physical units and processes that release and remove GHG into/from the atmosphere, and its GHG emissions and removals.

ISO 14064-1說明某機構設計、建立、管理及報告其溫室氣體清單的原則和要求。溫室氣體清單是指該機構內所有涉及排放溫室氣體到大氣中或從大氣中減除溫室氣體的單位和程序,以及該機構的溫室氣體排放量和移除量。

Project Level: ISO 14064-2 項目層面 : ISO 14064-2

The ISO 14064-2 focuses on projects that aim to reduce GHG emissions and/or increase GHG removals ("GHG projects"). The standard includes principles and requirements for determining project baseline scenarios and for monitoring, quantifying and reporting project performance relative to the baseline scenarios.

ISO 14064-2著重討論旨在減少溫室氣體排放量及/或增加溫室氣體移除量的項目(「溫室氣體項目」)。本標準包括確定項目基線和相對於項目基線表現的監測、量化和報告的原則和要求。

Product Carbon Footprint: ISO/TS 14067
產品碳足跡 : ISO/TS 14067

ISO/TS 14067 specifies principles, requirements and guidelines for the quantification and communication of the carbon footprint of a product(CFP). CFP refers to the sum of GHG emissions and removals involved in the life cycle of a product.

ISO/TS 14067 詳細指明產品碳足跡(CFP)量化和溝通的原則,要求和指引。CFP提指某產品在其生命週期中所涉及的溫室氣體排放量和移除量之總和。

GHG Validation and Verification

For an organisation, "GHG verification" is to confirm a GHG inventory quantified and reported by that organisation.


For a GHG project, "GHG validation" is to evaluate the GHG project plan before implementing the project. "GHG verification" is to confirm the reported GHG emission reductions and/or GHG removal enhancements that occur as a result of the project.


For the carbon footprint of a product (CFP), 'CFP verification' is to confirm the CFP study report.


GHG validation and verification can enhance the consistency, credibility and transparency of your GHC quantification, monitoring and reporting.


Where to obtain these GHG Validation & Verification Services?

In Hong Kong, some organisations provide GHG validation and verification service.


Hong Kong Accreditation Service: Accreditation Service for GHG Validation & Verification

The Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) offers accreditation service for ISO 14064 GHG validation and verification for validation/verification bodies' voluntary application. Accredited validation/verification bodies' technical competence is rigorously assessed by HKAS, so that the reliability of their results can be assured.

For the list of HKAS-accredited validation/verification bodies, please visit the HKAS's website at: www.hkas.gov.hk



Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region set up the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC) in 2009 to spearhead the development strategy of the industry. The vision of HKCTC is to develop Hong Kong into a regional testing and certification hub.


For more details, please visit HKCTC's website at: 如要了解詳情,請瀏覽該局網站: www.hkctc.gov.hk