Measurement Traceability
Traceability means that the result of a measurement can be related to a national or international measurement standard. In addition, the measuring instrument must be calibrated with a measurement standard that is itself traceable. The concept of traceability is important because it makes possible the comparison of the accuracy of measurements worldwide according to a standardised procedure. Metrology is the study of measurement and there are two major fields, viz. physical metrology and chemical metrology.
The Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL) maintains the reference standards of physical measurement traceable to the International System of Units for Hong Kong, promotes the international acceptance of these standards, and provides traceable calibration services and proficiency testing services to serve the local economy. For more information on the services provided by SCL, please visit its website.
Government Laboratory provides chemical metrology support to the community through providing proficiency testing service, developing standard methods and producing reference material. For more information on the services provided by Government Laboratory, please visit its website.